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The most current stool test combines the FIT test with a test that can detect abnormally mutated DNA in the stool. Unlike the FIT and FOBT, the multi target stool DNA test can be repeated every three years if no abnormalities are found. Conducted yearly, the FOBTuses a chemical to detect microscopic amounts of blood in the stool.

Cologuard, like other screening methods, can give incorrect results. It can indicate that you have colon cancer or precancerous polyps when you actually don't. Or it can say you don't have a potential problem when you really do, and the test just missed it. With Cologuard, you don’t have to follow a special diet or take laxatives or enemas before you collect your stool sample.
Colonoscopies require more prep work
Colon cancer is the third most common cancer for both men and women, but when detected early, it can be effectively treated. In a study performed by the American Cancer Society, they found that the rate of colorectal cancer has doubled in young adults. Because of this, getting screened for colon cancer is so important, especially if you are having symptoms such as blood in your stools, stomach pain, or unexplained weight loss. It is also recommended that people aged 50 years and older have a colonoscopy every 10 years. Colonoscopy is the only procedure that can examine the entire colon for pre-cancerous polyps and cancer and remove them if found. It is considered the gold-standard test to prevent and treat colon cancer; however, it requires a bowel prep as well as sedation, which may prevent some people from being screened.
No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Founded in 2014 in Dublin, Ireland, the company launched its United States operation in 2017. Its website states that the labs with which it processes tests are CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited.
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Talk to your healthcare provider if you want further testing or have any questions about the results. There has been little research on tests that are available to purchase over-the-counter without guidance from a healthcare provider. However, an FIT can also be ordered by a physician and the sample can be collected either in the doctor’s office, at a laboratory, or at home. One meta-analysis looked at FIT done as ordered by a doctor. In people who were at average risk of colon cancer, the FIT found 91% of cancers. At-home colorectal cancer tests detect blood that may be due to the presence of polyps in the colon or rectum.

Fecal occult blood tests and fecal immunochemical tests can be obtained with or without a prescription. It is mailed to your home in a small cardboard box and contains instructions and equipment for taking a stool sample, which you will send to a lab for testing. “You will have to ‘smear’ a stool sample on the card for processing,” says Dr. Gaidos. FIT can detect microscopic amounts of blood, which could be an early sign of cancer. Meanwhile, recently published and updated guidelines from ACG recommend colonoscopy or FIT for those at average risk of colon cancer begin at age 45.
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You do not need to change your diet or stop taking medications before this test. If you have any questions you can chat with an online consultant before buying the test kit. Free phone consultations with a registered nurse is available for people who test positive for a medical condition using one of LetsGetChecked tests. Colorectal cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer when it is caught in the earliest stages. Thus, physicians and medical professionals encourage adults over the age of 50 to be screened for colorectal cancer before it has spread to outer lying tissues. Preventive Services Task Force and the American Cancer Society have lowered the recommended age for colorectal cancer screening to age 45.

If your at-home test is positive, it means that you may have a polyp that is cancerous or could become cancer. However, other things besides cancer can cause a positive result. For this reason, you will need follow-up testing to determine the underlying cause of the abnormal test finding. When the sample arrives at the lab, a fecal immunochemical test is performed to look for any indications of blood in your stool sample. The results are accessible within 5 days on a secure online account with the ability to see the test report on your smartphone. LetsGetChecked has a team of nurses you can contact with questions before, during, or after taking your test.
They are typically performed every 10 years with shorter intervals for those who are found to have precancerous polyps, adds Dr. Gaidos. A colonoscopy has long been the gold standard screening method because it is one of the best ways to help diagnose colorectal cancer in its early stages, while it is most treatable. FIT kits test for blood in the stool, which is often a sign of colon cancer. Colon growths and polyps in the large intestine that can become cancerous may cause bleeding. Blood in the stool may signal the presence of these growths or polyps. Some kits screen fully at home, without having to send in a sample to a lab to receive results.

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in both male and female adults in the U.S. Overall, 4% of those in both groups who completed a test required additional screening for positive or inconclusive results. Cologuard looks for traces of blood shed by polyps or growth along the colon lining. More importantly, Cologuard is the only at-home screening kit that can identify abnormal DNA just with stool alone. Once the arrangement is done, expect the test kit to arrive at your doorstep.
For colon cancer screening with a FIT, a person’s stool needs to be tested. For some of the tests on our list, the screening is done entirely at home, with no samples to send in. One of these requires collecting a small amount of stool and the other does not. For the tests that are mailed to a lab, a small amount of stool and/or toilet water is collected and sent for testing using the tools in the kit. Other types of screening tests can only be performed by a health care provider in a medical setting like a hospital or doctor’s office. It was once considered something only older people needed to worry about, but that's changing.

Colorectal cancer is any cancer that happens in your large intestines, including your colon and your rectum. According to the American Cancer Society, it’s the third-most-common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. A colonoscopy is done in a doctor’s office or other medical place. All people 45 years and older should be tested for colon cancer.
However, 14% of tests deliver a false positive result, which is higher than the FIT test. Health experts recommend repeating the test every one or three years. The stool test requires that a person collects a sample from home and mail the sample to a lab for analysis.

Certain lifestyle habits can increase your risk of developing colon cancer, including smoking, heavy drinking, physical inactivity and poor dietary habits. If you have a family history of the disease or regularly engage in habits that can harm your colon, talk to your doctor about initiating colon cancer screening before age 50. Each type of colorectal cancer screening test has benefits and drawbacks.
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